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CONCEPTS is a cross-disciplinary collaboration of leading industry experts and academics that puts fizik at the forefront of cycling innovation and design.
CONCEPTS is fizik’s mark of excellence, giving cyclists of all levels absolute confidence that we’ve channelled everything we’ve got into our best, most innovative products.
Every CONCEPTS product is extensively tested, in the lab and on the road, with professional athletes and cycling enthusiasts. We collect and analyse extensive feedback, using it to create superior products that help you ride longer and faster.
Experts in product design and technology, sports science and physiotherapy work closely with testers and athletes on CONCEPTS products. We consider their different perspectives and use creative problem-solving techniques to come up with innovative solutions.
At fizik, our love for cycling and empathy for the cyclist are central to everything we do. We use our personal cycling experiences to innovate, test, and improve the products we create.
CONCEPTS is right at the heart of this brand philosophy. It’s a mindset shared by everyone at fizik as we strive to deliver the best possible riding experience.